Fremont Summer Ale


Fremont Summer Ale cover

It's April and summer has hit, which probably means you better hurry up and enjoy it before fall hits in July. That we don't have a lot of summer ales available yet might be a problem, but luckily Fremont already has a good one in stores, the imaginatively titled Summer Ale.

This pale session beer -- a mild 5.2% ABV -- is refreshing, with a nice citric bite. It pours a vaguely dark golden color with about a finger worth of crisp, white head. Give it a quick whiff and a light, floral-y maltiness hits you straight up. It's a simple nose, but not in a bad way, particularly seeing how good it smells.

Sip it, and a nice balance of flavors reveals itself straight away. The citrus is right there, but it doesn't overpower the round tones of malts and hops. Together the three flavors create a surprisingly creamy mouthfeel -- almost like a Creamsicle. There's nothing wrong with that when it's warm outside.

Summer Ale was brewed with one grain and one hop and is not an incredibly complex beer. That's a good thing in this case. It's hard to beat Fremont's offering as far as a refreshing summer ale goes.