Walk and Dine


Bumble barRiverside State Park Equestrian Area is perfect for horses (obviously) but it is also great for strollers. It has wide trails and very few hills. While you are out and about you can pack one of Spokane Valley’s own vegan, organic, and gluten free Bumble Bars to munch on.

The Equestrian area is located on the west side of the Spokane River, a mile north of Spokane Falls Community College, just off Government Way.

Do you know a Sam(antha)?

If your name is Sam (or a version of that name) and you have always wanted to connect with another Sam, well, you are in luck. My globe trotting, computer nerd, outdoors extremist, friend Sam is looking for you. That’s right, Sam is looking for a lady also named Sam. So if you think it would be fun to meet Portland, OR based Sam, send an email or check out his profile here.